Interior Design


Location: Çankırı Karatekin University, Taşmescit Campus, 18200, Taşmescit, ÇANKIRI


The concept of space; In the 1970s, it emerged as a concept that included the human dimension within the framework of design principles.The concept of "Space", whose history is connected with solid roots, is in different cultures and geographies; it is a different size of man with its texture and form.Architect Kemalettin Bey said, "If you don`t put anything in stone, wholeheartedly, there will be no sculpture, no trace if you don`t look at the structure from inside history."

Each building is the working area of the interior designer, leaving us the living spaces that we have experienced our lives from the moment we were born.The traces formed by our perceptions create the perception of space in us as a whole with the acoustics, color, smell, shape of the space with the emotions we live in the places."The term interior is the whole architectural shelter, it is the design of all wonderful, embracing or intriguing spaces that involve architectural people" Philip Johnson described the space in architecture with these words.It depicts the surrounding place as an interior designer artist and treats the space design as a whole in terms of aesthetics, materials, colors, light, and presents the space to our sensory organs.The interior design, which includes art and design, has actually started to form in the past and has become an indispensable design area phenomenon today.The interior designer considers the space with all its fields and designs it in different styles to respond to individual likes and needs.The creation of multiple functional areas at the same time of aesthetics and comfort has been among the requirements of our time.It has gained great importance to educate individuals with artistic, aesthetic and technical trained professional qualifications with a multifaceted perspective in the field of interior design.


The need for different and original production of the Interior Design field is increasing today, when the demand for functionality and quality has increased in the changing consumer needs.At this point, the professional competence to be given to the individuals to be raised as interior designers has gained great importance.Aesthetic perception, which is the most important interpretation of the design process, varies according to the way of life of societies and contains different alternatives that have a return in modern life.Furniture to the construction sector, together with many areas knitted with each other, the design of the country that brings together the interior design has made one of the important sectors.

It is aimed to educate elements that can learn the principles of design with the ianterior design program, who can recognize the material, who can respond to the needs of consumers who can produce creative original designs with unique designs, who can draw technical drawings.To make significant contributions to the country`s economy by educating individuals who can easily adapt the innovations of the era to the design process, make teamwork and sign original designs in the production of technology in production today. two years of formal education, the purpose of the interior design program, which is an associate`s degree program.


Indoor design program; It is an associate degree program aimed at gaining academic and professional qualifications.The program student completes 120 ECTS/ECTS credits and graduates from the program. It is 2 years including the internship period and covers a total of 3000-3600 hours during this period.

  • Requirements for Entry to Vocational Education

The requirement required to choose this program is required:

Candidates must score at least 150 or more from the Basic Proficiency Test (TYT) exam which will be conducted by the Center for Measurement, Selection and Placement (ÖSYM).

  • Certification

Those who successfully complete the Certification Interior Design program are given the title of   "Interior Design Technician" with an associate`s degree.

  • When the student graduates, the courses and modules that show the qualifications earned during the training period are indicated in the diploma supplement.
  • When the student leaves before completing the program; a document showing the qualifications, courses and modules earned during the training period.
  • Professional qualifications gained in the program; in business life, career development, certificate programs and transitions to all other programs when requested.
  • Learning Outcomes

Indoor design technicians:

  1. To have the knowledge of the necessary pre-information and the personnel of the places of use in the design of comfort and multi-purpose areas
  2. In the design, information about the connection and implementation of ergonomic and anthropometric principles with the interior is
  3. The ability of the items used in space drinking to obtain building materials and color information (line, form, form, ratio/ratio, color, texture) material-product relationships during the design process
  4. Recognizing different places and gaining awareness of multifaceted thinking.
  5. Correct determination to needs and desires and ability to produce suitable designs
  6. Projects are involved in the implementation phase of the business plan and manage the process
  7. The ability to implement legislation and workplace rules on occupational health and safety and emergencies
  8. Environmental protection awareness
  9. Ability to transfer reading design product in its own historical context
  10. Understanding the decorations, colors and shapes used in the interior from the past to the present during the design process, different symbols.
  11. To make the right applications in the functionality of historical sites
  12. 12.Ability to communicate verbally and in writing


  • Employment Areas

Graduates work in the stages of product design, planning and production in large, medium and small businesses spread across the provinces depending on the economic structure of our country.As a designer in architecture engineering offices, including offices for design and decoration, workshops and factories for design and decoration, he may be involved in the project work in restoration companies, as an authorized technician as an assistant manager or businesses.They can work in all private sector organizations operating in the industrial area, especially in the design and decoration industry.Considering the prevalence of the design sector at home and abroad, employment opportunities are very high.

All high school graduates can settle in the Interior Design program.For students who have graduated from vocational and technical secondary schools such as Restoration, Furniture and Interior Design, Painting, Art and Design, this program is a continuation of the departments.

  • Graduate Students Can Pass VerticalLy Undergraduate Programs

"Interior Design" associate degree program successfully completed, if they succeed in the Vertical Transition Exam opened by ÖSYM, the transition to the following undergraduate programs can:

  • Interior Architecture,
  • Interior Architecture and Environmental Design,
  • Crafts,
  • Traditional Turkish Crafts,
  • Traditional Turkish Arts,
  • Architecture,
  • Tezhip